Artist Residency Program

We welcome applications for our artist residency program year round . Please get in touch via email at to find out how to apply and for any current or future start dates.

The LSS Artist Residency Program is an 8 session program run over 16 weeks which allows artists, producers or bands full use of our studio and equipment at a significantly subsidised rate to explore new ideas and refine existing ones without limitations. 

Each artist will have exclusive use of the studio for a full day each week to explore new ideas, track vocals and instruments, finalise mixes or do whatever it is they wish to do with the extensive list of equipment in the space. We hope that the opportunity will provide artists with the fresh inspiration of working in a unique studio environment as well as the structure of a weekly full day session to create and refine an inspired collection of work. 

We encourage all artists, producers or bands who are currently working on or about to start a body of work, whether it be a collection of songs, an EP or album to get in touch via email at for more information. Please include a little little about yourself and the project and how the program may benefit or help what you are currently working on.